18/6/2021 FRED (Falls Risk and Empathy Development) Simulation Training: an evaluation in Western NSW
9/6/2021 Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour to encourage travel and treatment uptake in remote and indigenous patients.
25/5/2021 FRED (Falls Risk and Empathy Development) Simulation Training: Group members finally in VR!

25/5/2021 Virtual reality as an education tool in healthcare (Oncology, Immunotherapy)

21/5/2021 FRED (Falls Risk and Empathy Development) Simulation Training: an evaluation in Western NSW

14/5/2021 WITS – Westmead Innovative Technologies Steering Group (USyd, Westmead Hospital)

13/5/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Presentation

12/5/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Presentaton Prep.

28/4/2021 VSP – Virtual Surgical Planning, IAS (Institute of Academic Surgery at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA, USyd)

19/4/2021 CSIRO Symposium: TFOM (The Future of Meetings) – Post-Workshop

16/4/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Trip to Bourke

15/4/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Trip to Bourke

14/4/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Trip to Dubbo

6/4/2021 VR Meeting – CREATE – Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching and Education. (CQU, USyd)

31/3/2021 Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. FF&E (Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment)

31/3/2021 VSP – Virtual Surgical Planning, IAS (Institute of Academic Surgery at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA, USyd)

30/3/2021 VSP – Virtual Surgical Planning, IAS (Institute of Academic Surgery at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA, USyd)

25/3/2021 CSIRO Symposium: TFOM (The Future of Meetings) – Planning

23/3/2021 CSIRO Symposium: TFOM (The Future of Meetings) – Retrospective

19/3/2021 WITS – Westmead Innovative Technologies Steering Group (USyd, Westmead Hospital)

19/3/2021 FRED (Falls Risk and Empathy Development) Simulation Training: an evaluation in Western NSW

12/3/2021 Virtual reality as an education tool in healthcare (Oncology, Immunotherapy)

10/3/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

2/3/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

19/2/2021 FRED (Falls Risk and Empathy Development) Simulation Training: an evaluation in Western NSW

18/2/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Setup

11/2/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

10/2/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

9/2/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

21/1/2021 O&G birth and female pelvis resources. Educational Designer, Rural Clinical School (Dubbo/Orange)

15/1/2021 FRED (Falls Risk and Empathy Development) Simulation Training: an evaluation in Western NSW

14/1/2021 Virtual reality as an education tool in healthcare (Oncology, Immunotherapy)

13/1/2021 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

12/1/2021 O&G birth and female pelvis resources. Educational Designer, Rural Clinical School (Dubbo/Orange)

18/12/2020 FRED (Falls Risk and Empathy Development) Simulation Training: an evaluation in Western NSW

16/12/2020 O&G birth and female pelvis resources. Educational Designer, Rural Clinical School (Dubbo/Orange)

11/12/2020 WITS – Westmead Innovative Technologies Steering Group (USyd, Westmead Hospital)

10/12/2020 O&G birth and female pelvis resources. Educational Designer, Rural Clinical School (Dubbo/Orange)

9/12/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

26/11/2020 Science Dalyell Showcase : Virtual Reality: “A Solution to 21st Century Problems”

24/11/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

20/11/2020 FRED (Falls Risk and Empathy Development) Simulation Training: an evaluation in Western NSW

19/11/2020 Orange + VR experience. nBn Chief Development Officer, Regional and Remote

11/11/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

4/11/2020 Orange Council Planetarium + V Hive demonstration.

4/11/2020 Virtual reality as an education tool in healthcare (Oncology, Immunotherapy)

3/11/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Trip to Dubbo

2/11/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Trip to Dubbo

28/10/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

16/10/2020 WITS – Westmead Innovative Technologies Steering Group (USyd, Westmead Hospital)

16/10/2020 Presentation: Emergency Response Innovations Centre. CQU Rockhampton.

16/10/2020 FRED (Falls Risk and Empathy Development) Simulation Training: an evaluation in Western NSW

15/10/2020 Virtual Reality Education & Science Meeting 10: HKU Arts

14/10/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

28/9/2020 Meeting on Future Stories, UNSW, Griffith Film School and Queensland Childrens’ Health

25/9/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

24/9/2020 UsTwo – WITS – Westmead Innovative Technologies Steering Group (USyd, Westmead Hospital)

21/9/2020 Events – Virtual Graduations. External Relations. Events Manager
18/9/2020 Events – Virtual Graduations. External Relations. Events Manager

18/9/2020 Events – Virtual Graduations. External Relations. Events Manager

10/9/2020 Science Dalyell Showcase : Virtual Reality: “A Solution to 21st Century Problems”

10/9/2020 OpenUSyd – USyd Open Nights 2 – Virtual Reality Tour

9/9/2020 OpenUSyd – USyd Open Nights 1 – Virtual Reality Tour

9/9/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

8/9/2020 Events – Virtual Graduations. External Relations. Events Manager

7/9/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Dubbo VR equipment set up

2/9/2020 Online Open Nights – virtual campus tour. Sydney Future Students. Manager, Events – Strategy and Faculty Partnerships

1/9/2020 Science Dalyell Showcase : Virtual Reality: “A Solution to 21st Century Problems”

25/8/2020 V-Hive Demo w Orange City Council. Commercial Development and Industry Partnerships. Business Development Manager, Regional NSW

21/8/2020 WITS – Westmead Innovative Technologies Steering Group (USyd, Westmead Hospital)

21/8/2020 V-Hive Demonstration: Executive Assistant to Deputy Head of School – Rural Clinical School

19/08/2020 Vice-Chancellor Tour – Virtual OpenUSYD Campus

14/8/2020 VR rural cancer care/ nBn discussion. UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance

12/8/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP

12/8/2020 Events – Virtual OpenUSyd Campus. Sydney Future Students. Head of Prospect Management.

4/8/2020 Events – Virtual OpenUSyd Campus. Sydney Future Students. Director, Strategy and Faculty Partnerships.

4/8/2020 Presentation: VR Laboratories/Pracs. Faculty of Science Education Showcase

3/8/2020 Partnership Gants Meeting. Executive Assistant to Deputy Head of School. Rural Clinical School

30/7/2020 Virtual Events – Virtual OpenUSyd Campus. Sydney Future Students. Director, Strategy and Faculty Partnerships.

29/7/2020 Virtual Events Alumni and Supporter Relations Team Meeting. Advancement Portfolio. Director, Alumni and Supporter Relations

28/7/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Introduction

24/7/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. Development

16/7/2020 VR Meeting – CREATE – Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching and Education. (CQU, USyd)

26/6/2020 WITS – Westmead Innovative Technologies Steering Group (USyd, Westmead Hospital)

25/6/2020 Virtual Reality Education & Science Meeting 9: Education Experiments 2

17/6/2020 Virtual Reality Education & Science Meeting 8: Research Stockholm

10/6/2020 WCCD – Western Cancer Centre, Dubbo – A virtual tour. WIP. Development

10/6/2020 Virtual Reality Education & Science Meeting 7: Education Experiments 1

3/6/2020 Virtual Reality Education & Science Meeting 6: Research Platform

2/6/2020 School Class 4 – CREATE – Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching and Education. (CQU, USyd)

1/6/2020 7NEWS: CREATE – CQUni bridges gap between face-to-face learning and distance education

27/5/2020 Virtual Reality Education & Science Meeting 5: Great Hall

27/5/2020 Grant Meeting – CREATE – Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching and Education. (CQU, USyd)

26/5/2020 School Class 3 – CREATE – Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching and Education. (CQU, USyd)

25/5/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #11 Pain. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

22/5/2020 Virtual Events. Division of Alumni & Development, Luke Smith – Events Manager

21/5/2020 CREATE: CQU News Vr Classroom – An Unparalleled Immersive Experience

19/5/2020 School Class 2 – CREATE – Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching and Education. (CQU, USyd)

13/5/2020 USyd News: VR<>Zoom Hybrid meeting – Life and Bytes Newsletter (FGM)

13/5/2020 Virtual Reality Education & Science Meeting 4: Max Arena

11/5/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #10 Stroke. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

8/5/2020 VR<>Zoom Hybrid meeting 2: A Virtual cup of tea with the Dean and FGM

5/5/2020 VR <> Zoom Hybrid meeting 1: A Virtual cup of tea with the Dean and FGM

4/5/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #9 Dementia. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

1/5/2020 WITS – Westmead Innovative Technologies Steering Group (USyd, Westmead Hospital)

29/4/2020 Virtual Reality Education & Science Meeting 3: Sky Campus

29/4/2020 School Class 1 – CREATE – Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching and Education. (CQU, USyd)

27/4/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #8 Substance Abuse. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

27/4/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #7 Gambling. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

24/4/2020 USyd News ‘Beyond Zoom’: students immerse themselves in virtual reality classes.

22/4/2020 Virtual Reality Education & Science Meeting 2: Med Yacht

20/4/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #6 Autism. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

15/4/2020 Virtual Reality Education & Science Meeting 1: Mars Domes

30/3/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #5 Eating disorders. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

23/3/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #4 OCD. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

16/3/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #3 PTSD. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

9/3/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #2 Phobias. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

6/3/2020 WITS – Westmead Innovative Technologies Steering Group (USyd, Westmead Hospital)

2/3/2020 VRT (Virtual Reality Therapy): #1 VR Introduction. USyd, Psychology Honours, Advanced Seminars

12/1/2020 WITS – Westmead Innovative Technologies Steering Group (USyd, Westmead Hospital)