29/10/2019 Vr Demo in F23 for The Sydney Summit II – Office of Global Engagement
23/10/19 OpenLab Visit by Cyberpsychology – Faculty of Medicine and Health
16/10/2019 VR PPE Donning and Doffing for Wetmead Hospital clinical experts
15-18/10/2019 NZSOHNS New Zealand Society of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery Conference
4-5/10/2019 NOTSA Neuro-Otology Society of Australia Conference
4-6/10/2019 USyd SHFR included in the presentation by Karel Hulec – OPT-OUT Congress – Prague
01/10/2019 Chinese delegation of Neurologists and ENT surgeons visit the OpenLab
25/09/2019 Psychology VR Tour for Professor Willy Zwaenepoel – Dean of Engineering
19/09/2019 Professor Simon Bronitt Head of School and Dean of Law in a Virtual Court
10/09/2019 Sydney University Library Peer Learning Advisors (PLAs) VR training
05/09/2019 05/09/2019 Woolcock delegation – Sleep Researchers Tour of VR OpenLab
05/09/2019 OpenLab visit by the 2019 Dalyell Scholars (talented student program)
04/09/2019 DVC (Edu) Prof. Philippa Pattison, PVC (Edu Innovation) Prof. Adam Bridgeman
20/08/19: Visit of the Directors of Sydney University Museums
20/08/19: VR Tutorial for Physiology students
19/08/19: USyd Faculty of Science, Heads of School and School’s Managers
18/08/19: Brain Hub Academia Seminar
16/08/19: Facial Nerve Clinic presentation
14/08/19: Physiology lecture (PHSI911)
13/08/19: USyd Media and ABC journalist
12/08/19: Systems, Change and Learning (EDPC5024) course unit
01/08/19: Sydney University Vice Chancellor and Dean of Science visit
01/08/19: Vice Chancellor and Dean of Science visit (picture from the ‘green room’)
31/07/19: Gift Strategy Meeting
25/07/19: NSW Train visit
24/07/19: Michael Bowen and Lewis Martin (BMC) visit
22/07/19: Utrecht (Netherlands) Delegation
12/07/19: Office of Global Engagement visit
10/07/19: International Science School ~150 students 6 groups
06/07/19: Vet Science 3rd year students
02/07/19: Visit by Eduardo Delamare Sydney Dental School
29/06/19: Remote VR connection to the International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Teaching and Learning (ICMSTTL 2019)
28/06/19: Tina Allen visits to conduct interviews for the history of the GPRWMF
28/06/19: Visit by Associate Professor Kevin Keay (Head of Discipline) and Amanda Yung – Discipline of Anatomy and Histology, USyd
26/06/19: Visit by Associate Professor Ada Kritikos and Ms Jennifer Day – School of Psychology, University of Queensland
24/06/19: Sydney University Surgical Society (SUSS): VR and AR in surgery and medicine
19/06/19: Western NSW Health Research Network Symposium in Dubbo
12/06/19: University of Utrecht Visitors
30/05/19: Visit by the School of Chemistry
24/05/19: Trip to the Shanghai Forum 2019 to establish a new Collaboration with Fudan University on brain and intelligence science.
15/04/19: Central Queensland University Retreat
31/03/19: Surgical Innovators workshop
29/03/19: VR Tour for Mega Maths Day x 64
25/03/19 IAS: New + Emerging Technology in Surgery
23/03/19 ASOHNS Exhibition and Demonstrations all day
22/03/19: ASOHNS (Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery) Conference Presentation
22/03/19: University of Queensland Colloquium presentation
19/03/19: Army visit
14/03/19: Police Visit VR
14/03/19: Dutch Alumni
08/03/19: USyd, School of Psychology Colloquium presentation
7-8/03/19: Vet Science students exercise x135
04/03/19: PTSD Treatment Group Visit
15/12/18: USyd – Brain and Mind Centre – Virtual Reality Workshop
14/12/18: VR Demonstration for School Girls at the IAS
5/12/18: Andrew Black (Director, The Living Lab, Westmead at the University of Sydney) Remote Connection Connects to the Lab
3/12/18: Psych Research Retreat
22/11/18: NOTSA
15/11/18: VR Demonstration in the USyd Administration Building
13/11/2018: Visit by the President and delegation from the prestigious Fudan University (Shanghai, China).
13/11/2018: Visit by Professor Jan Wiener and colleagues after his talk on orientation and spatial navigation
24/10/2018: University of Sydney – Dalyell Showcase, Footbridge Theater
24/10/2018: PSYC3914 and Cyberpsychology (36 students in 4 groups)
17/10/2018: PSYC3013 Perceptual Systems, Virtual Reality Class
11/10/2018: Visit of Professor Jacqui Ramagge (HOS Mathematics and Statistics), Damien Field (HOS Life and Environmental Science), Philip Mcmanus (HOS Geosciences), and Frans Verstraten (HOS Psychology)
14/09/2018: International Keynote Lecture: Virtual Reality for Vestibular Education, Testing, and Rehabilitation. HENNIG Vertigo-Symposium 2018 Leipzig Germany
14/09/2018: vKIT MasterClass. HENNIG Vertigo-Symposium 2018 Leipzig Germany
20/09/2018: Careers in STEM Day – Workshop for 60 high school students (3 groups of 20)
31/08/2018: Frontiers 2018 Conference – Cairns Pullman International, Andrew Watson Photography
25/08/2018: Open Day 2018 – since most people have now seen simple 3DOF VR (Google Cardboard, Gear VR, Oculus Go…) the Psychology VR OpenLab showed 6DOF Room-Scale VR with multiple user interaction and full body avatars
17/08/2018: Founders’ Circle ceremony and dinner at The University of Sydney
17/08/2018: Professor Coman from The Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams Memorial Foundation to visit the VR OpenLab
01/08/2018: VR presentation at the Research Partnership workshop during the Innovation week at the Sydney Business School
17/07/2018: Three new VR content developers to the VR OpenLab
12/07/2018: Indigenous STEMM workshop to visit the VR OpenLab
20/06/2018: A/Prof Payal Mukherjee and Dr Elodie Chiarovano presented at the Clinical Education Centre – Sydney Adventist Hospital for Inspiring Careers in STEMM and Healthcare
11/06/2018: Lecture on How to perform the video head impulse test and interpret the results
11/06/2018: A/Prof Hamish MacDougall received the Hallpike-Nylen medal by the Barany Society
06/06/2018: Sydney Science Faculty Forum
01/06/2018: School of Psychology, Colloquium
12/04/2018: Visit of Meegan Fitzharris, Minister for Health and Wellbeing (ACT), at the Institute of Academic Surgery (IAS), RPA
06/04/2018: Visit of Professor Chris Dennis, Associate Dean of the Medical School, North Shore
23/03/2018: Westmead Teaching Class: “Altering the mind with Virtual Reality”
23/01/2018: Partner Engagement and Outreach, Faculty of Science Team Visit
09-10/11/2017: Two days Accelerating Implementation Methodology (AIM) course from the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI)
03-04/11/2017: NEURO-OTOLOGY SOCIETY of AUSTRALIA (NOTSA) conference at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA)
After our two presentations:
Dr Chiarovano and Dr MacDougall. Scientist in the clinic.
Dr MacDougall. User Discovery for Medical Device Translation.
All attendees (~180) came to visit the OpenLab during lunch time…
02/11/2017: Vice-Chancellor’s Recognition Reception (VCRR) at The Great Hall, The University of Sydney
01/11/2017: University of Sydney Multimedia Producer from Brand and Marketing Services | Marketing and Communications for the University front page website
01/11/2017: University of Sydney Senate’s visit at Westmead Education and Conference Centre (WECC) – WSLHD
27/10/2017: NSW Health Innovation Symposium at Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park
Augmented Reality to Virtual Reality: From patient care to surgical simulation. By Dr Payal Mukherjee, Professor Jonathan Clark, Kai Cheng, Dr Hamish MacDougall, Dr Elodie Chiarovano, Professor Gordon Wallace
25/10/2017: OpenLab Tour and Demos for 22 students (Advanced PSYC 3014)
24/10/2017: Inaugural Barriers to Surgical Innovation meeting at Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) NSW as part of Surgeons’ Month 2017
Discussion with the Minister for Health (New South Wales) – Mr Brad Hazzard
18/10/2017: Presentation of A10D project at the Nurse Unit Management (NUM) meeting at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
10/10/2017: Visit to MOD productions office (Haymarket, Sydney)
09/10/2017: Visit of the Westmead Redevelopment Team
06/10/2017: Make-A-Wish Foundation
Jack is an Astronaut for a day in collaboration with Opaque Media and their program Earthlight.