The Giddy Garden is an unpredictable visual perturbation controlled with a Bluetooth remote controller or GamePad. The VR environment is a moving visual scene of a house and garden, sky and sea (modified from the “Oculus Tuscany Demo” developed by FenixFire and Oculus VR, Irvine, CA, USA). The visual perturbation consisted of a stereoscopic visual scene which is unpredictably rotated around pitch, roll, or yaw axes at several peak amplitudes of movement. The maximum 30° peak amplitude of perturbation was arbitrary scaled between 0 and 1.0 in 0.1 steps. At VR0, the visual scene is stable with respect to the real world (i.e. compensated for head movement). At VR0.1, the visual scene is randomly moving slightly (peak amplitude of the rotation at 3°). At VR 0.5, the visual scene is randomly moving at a larger amplitude (peak amplitude of the rotation at 15°). With this visual perturbation, we have a full range of perturbation from absolute stability to fall in healthy young subjects.
Mixte Reality video of the Giddy Garden:
Publications related to the Giddy Garden App